The weather in Western Australia can be harsh with heavy rain outpours during autumn and the winter months. It is never a good time for a leaky roof, but if it happens you will need to get it repaired or replaced immediately, to avoid having to pay out thousands of dollars to repair water damage. Here are a couple of DIY tips that can help you avoid a disaster, and temporarily fix the problem while waiting for your Perth roof leak specialists!
Cover Your Roof with a Tarp
Experts for roof repairs Perth-wide recommend a tarp covering as the best quick-fix solution for all kinds of emergencies. The tarp is widely used throughout Australia and the rest of the world to save houses from heavy rains and floods. It has the ability to prevent water from soaking through the roof and penetrating the most problematic areas where it usually accumulates. It is essential that your tarp is wide enough to cover the ridge of the roof. In the event of heavy rainfall, you might need to have two or three layers of the tarp to prevent leaks and water damage. It is essential to secure the tarp well with rope to ensure it does not blow off in storms.
Fix Leaking Roofs With Plastic Roofing Cement
Plastic roofing cement is the most reliable temporary solutions for leaky roofs because it can seal holes and cracks to prevent water from going inside your house. It is best to always have plastic cement ready in case of an emergency. To apply it properly, you need a caulk gun, a roofing trowel and putty knife.
Find a Reliable Service for Roof Repairs
Of course, the best possible solution is to find a professional service to do the job for you. If you are busy doing other things or you are simply not DIY savvy, then this could be the only option you have. Look for Perth roof leak specialists available for emergency repairs. Even if you are dealing with a large-scale problem, they can come up with a quick, temporary solution until your old roof is fully repaired or replaced with a new one.
Do you need to repair your old roof or install a new one?
Call 9361 6530 to get a quote today.